Special summit in brussel: sugar bread and whip

Special summit in Brussel: Sugar bread and whip

Macron (with a Merkel-Raute variation), Merkel and Gentiloni. Image: EU

Negotiations on EU budget: Chancellor Merkel, who had continued a short time in 2014, now demands more money – especially for escape. But it’s also about terms and sanctions

Angela Merkel challenges Eastern Europe – SPIEGEL ONLINS voted its readers on the EU special summit on financial planning 2021-2027. The Chancellor will demand more solidarity in escape policies and threaten unwilling countries like Hungary or Poland with medium roots, so expectation.

Dispute was in the air – as well as at the EU Summit in December, in which Council’s President Donald Tusk warned against a split (EU: the facade of unity brukelt).

But it came differently. Merkel gave up in Brussel surprisingly. It does not go to sanctions, but for an encouragement, explained the Chancellor after the approximately seventh. The demand for more solidarity muse "Not always in the sense of negative connection" be seen, she stressed.

There are also positively considered if some states were more involved in recording escape lures. But then there would be more EU help.

A sniger project

The sound more after sugar bread than to whip. The project, the Merkel had already announced in her government clarification on Thursday, quite a day. In the awarding of EU funds "The commitment of many regions and municipalities in the recording and integration of migrants should also be considered", so the chancellor.

If she prevails, she could also secure those richer regions in Germany further EU help, which would probably no more money from Brussel after 2020.

At the same time the "Refuser" lose in Poland and Hungary – because EU budget Commissioner Gunther Oettinger (CDU) threatens to them with medium roots. However, at the EU summit, this did not lead to the expected coarse clash. Although there was certainly objection: The Structural Funds were determined for the approximation of living conditions in the EU, said Lithuania’s Prassidente Dalia Grybauskite, "and not for anything else".

Poland European Minister Konrad Szymanski warned in the world even before one "failure", the "far-reaching consequences" have konne. However, Minister Prosident Mateusz Morawiecki ruded right back. The artful EU budget must have on one "healthy, good compromise" Based, said Morawiecki in Brussel. His country is ready.

For a compromise, Easter Rich’s Chancellor Sebastian spoke briefly, which rules together with the right-wing populist FPO. He can understand that it "Certain conditionalities" give to, said short. "I just asked not to focus on escaping."

Juncker warns against a new cleavage

CommissionSpasident Jean-Claude Juncker warned against a new division in Europe. He was "very worried that there is this ditch between East and West." At the same time, Juncker pointed out that the EU Commission has not yet made a decision on possible conditions or sanctions. A suggestion of Brussels authority to the new financial framework, which was allowed to cover around a trillion euro is expected only in May.

Merkel has apparently already set itself. It not only demands solidarity in the escape question, but also wants to bind the EU claim to fundamental values such as the constitutional state and democracy.

The next financial framework "a political household" become, the chancellor stressed after the summit. As a similarly, France’s head of state Emmanuel Macron. If the judiciary is no longer independent, must have the impact on the award of EU funds, he said.

But even this fairly clear warning missed their effect.

Neither Poland against which a sanctioning procedure of the EU Commission is still running, other Eastern Europe luck out of the reserve. The conditioning of EU funds, which was designed by Merkel and Macron, had been recaptured as a whole, Ratsprasident Donald Tusk said after the end of the meeting. Even Poland has become appreciated in agreement – under the condition that the criteria fail objectively.